Understanding Mobile App Development Costs in 2024: What You Need to Know

2 min readFeb 26, 2024

Apps drive the modern business landscape. Once developed and deployed, they help companies accelerate communication, collaboration, innovation, and customer experience.

Businesses also develop applications to generate new revenue streams and boost their bottom line.

Slack, Zoom, Shopify, Figma, DocuSign, and Salesforce are among the apps that have helped companies penetrate new markets and generate new revenue streams.

There are numerous categories of apps — productivity, entertainment, education, social media, gaming, and more.

App development companies also categorize apps into web apps, mobile apps, hybrid apps, native apps, Android apps, iOS apps, etc.

However, it all comes down to one thing — app development is rewarding. And that’s precisely why an increasing number of businesses are investing in app development. However, developing a digital application requires significant investment.

Mobile app development cost in 2024

The cost of developing a mobile app depends on several factors. We’ll discuss these factors in more detail in a little while.

I can give you a range, though.

Developing a simple business app might take 3–6 months. In terms of cost, it can cost you in the range of $30,000 to $60,000.

A complex and feature-rich application, on the other hand, will require more time and resources. And then some apps can even cost more than $2,00,000.

App development cost per development phase

Originally published at https://www.kellton.com.




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